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Flor&Máquina secadora de hojas/

Tobacco Leaf Drying Oven

Model: YTH-5-C

Batch drying capacity (kg): 25

Power (kw): 5

Steam to be consumed (kg/h): 5

Heat exchange arer (m2): 5

Velocity (m3/h): 3400

Temperature different of the top and the bottom (): ±2

Baking trays: 8

Size(L*W*H) (mm): customizable

Correo electrónico:
Chusma & whatsapp: +86 15239453015
Tel: +86 371-86582811

  • Detalles del producto
  • Parámetros
  • Funciones
  • Proceso de secado
  • Aplicaciones
  • Indagación

Some of the major tobacco-producing countries are China, the United States, Brazil, India, and Zimbabwe. Tobacco, while being an important agricultural product with diverse applications, also comes with certain health risks. It’s crucial for individuals to approach their tobacco consumption rationally and be mindful of controlling their smoking habits to safeguard their health.

Our customers particularly favor this drying oven due to its quiet operation and robust axial flow blower that can withstand high temperatures. Moreover, it boasts an automatic temperature control system. The forced hot air, which can be heated using electricity, steam, or gas, circulates seamlessly within the chamber. The fully enclosed circulation system significantly boosts the oven’s heat efficiency from the meager 3-7% of traditional ovens to an impressive 35-45% in the present model, with a maximum efficiency of 50%. This enhancement facilitates better heat transfer, accelerates moisture evaporation, and reduces overall drying time. Furthermore, the oven is constructed using food-grade stainless steel 304 material, ensuring a safe production environment.

Drying Oven Parameters

1. The entire enclosure adopts a fully enclosed structure, enabling efficient utilization of internal circulating hot air for energy savings.

2. Multi-stage temperature control, with uniform adjustable temperatures.

3. Equipped with an integrated high-temperature-resistant long-axis fan, ensuring forced circulation of hot air and significantly minimizing heat loss during circulation.

4. The insulation layer adopts asbestos to further reduce heat loss.

5. Drying carts and trays adhere to industry-standard specifications, offering a variety of tray styles suitable for diverse industries and interchangeable usage.

6. The machine operates with low noise and balanced performance, featuring self-temperature control and easy installation and maintenance. It is versatile and can dry various materials, making it a general-purpose drying equipment.

Paso 1: Mature tobacco leaves are harvested and sorted into bundles for placement in a drying machine.

Paso 2: To dry the tobacco leaves put them in the drying equipment and adjust the temperature and time according to the instructions provided. Be sure to evenly distribute the leaves on the tray to ensure they dry evenly. It’s best to use temperatures between 104°F (about 40°C) y 140 °F (alrededor de 60°C). The drying time ranges from a few hours to a few days.

Paso 3: It is recommended to check the condition of the tobacco regularly and adjust the drying time as needed.

Paso 4: Once the tobacco leaves have finished drying, Sácalos y déjalos enfriar. Para prolongar su vida útil, store the dried tea leaves in a cool, seco, y un recipiente bien ventilado, lejos de la luz solar directa y la humedad.

Los usuarios pueden ajustar el proceso de secado de acuerdo con sus necesidades durante el uso real.

Fruta: Mango, plátano, manzana, fresa, uva, limón, Longan, albaricoque, higo, mandarina, caqui, piña, Rosa roxburghii Tratt, Baya de Oro, pomelo, níspero, melón, baya de cera, Iniciar fruta, papaya, lichi, jackfruit, pitahaya, arecanut, etc.

Verdura: Tomato, mandioca, patata, ají, ñame, seta, Agárico, Desmotadora, cebolla, ajo, rábano, Raíz de remolacha, berenjena, amargo, gírgola, pumpkin, etc.

Mariscos: Sea cucumber, calamar, pescado, camarón, kelp, etc.

Flor&Hoja: Rose, jazmín, Osmanthus, crisantemo, hoja de té, tobacco, etc.




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